It’s Personal

So, the other day I was talking and I heard myself say ” On a personal note,…” and then proceeded to tell a story. Well, that got me thinking. Isn’t everything I think, say and do personal? It is simply the expression of me, being uniquely myself, with all my experiences playing an intrinsic part […]

One By One

Considering the worldwide developments in the last several years, 2022 is an opening of never before seen opportunities to create change. It is time to take a stand, adjust attitudes, and allow transformation to be the essence of everything we endeavor to accomplish. It is time. The alignment for transformation has never been closer at […]

Challenging Times

Another way to get grounded in challenging times, is to actively seek out beauty to behold, preferably in nature! No better time than spring to take that in, listen to the sounds and sights of nature fully awakening. From watching the glisten of dew drops in early dawn to hearing the mid-morning symphonies of bird […]

Time For Renewal

Spring is the eternal reminder of renewal and I take that to heart this year too, again.  There is so much to let go to make space for new growth, literally.  Like weeding the garden, we can “weed” within. And as the saying goes, “energy can never be lost”,  turned over cover crops and weeds eventually become nutrients […]

It Is In Stillness That We Might Find Peace

In the reflection of a still lake we might recognize the object of reflection, yet there is a different quality to it.  It is visible, may appear almost ethereal, and yet – it is part of our perception, since we are the ones observing it. What if the reality we perceive, seems to be the “real thing”, […]

Today – Right Now!

Today – right now! Before this day comes to an end, have you consciously chosen some thing or event to laugh, smile and be joyful about – just for now, and from now on?

In Between

There is no better time than in the in-between to reflect…. upon what has served us well in the past, and what has not. This is that time again to take a moment or two to give it space. And yes, we might have to carve out a niche in our daily to-do for it. […]

Organic Tea Blends To The Rescue

For as long as I can remember, I have trusted the herbal Artemisia family, with the innate antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic effects these herbs offer. This has been confirmed lately more than ever before by scientists, due to the research regarding a certain virus of current interest. I have been using 4 different Artemisia herbs in the organic tea blends this year, […]


Deep breathing in of autumn air, what a gift! Listening to the leaves falling, seeing the rain drops glistening, moisture everywhere, as puffy fog gently drifts by, small rivulets and little pools are forming, saturating everything around me, and me. Saturating all, flowing with renewed graceful agility, there is motion out there and in here. […]

Taking A Moment To Fine-Tune

Do you play an instrument? What do we do when the instrument sounds “off”? We re-tune it, maybe adjust the strings, or if it is a flute or similar, we might reposition our breath to activate the resonance differently within the instrument. Consider yourself as an instrument, just for a moment, since energy and breath […]