
Claudia Wenning

One way to move forward is to actively, determined, yet with an open mind, engage in change, if we are not quite content where we are, if we don’t see ourselves in that place of balance that supports us to thrive. If nothing else calls us, we can certainly count the blessings around us. The little things, oh how they can, and do, change our lives forever! I could talk about this daily, just look up at the autumn sky and marvel…..
Our world of interaction, it seems, has become smaller in parts. Even more so this can be a reason to “look again”( as I often say) and reconnect with all around us in a different way.
Here is an idea: For a day, or even just an hour, approach everyone in your close social or family circle as if you are seeing the child within them. Undoubtedly we all were little people once, children of innocence. Let’s see if we can find a glimpse of that. Intriguing? I’d say so. Imagination is needed? Well, for sure, at times quite a bit. What if that though could teach us volumes about humanity?
And what if we start the day by looking into the mirror and greeting the child within us? Hello there, it’s been a while. Who do you see there? Is it time to reconnect?
What if we can also connect with something we might have wanted to do when we were younger, but it got neglected in the business of daily life. Too many obligations, commitments, and distractions. What if there was a genuine jest for learning and exploring still alive within, for something different, new, exciting, elevating, empowering, caring, meaningful, transformational, simply wonderful? What if these days of not being in social gatherings as often as before, what if we can find the time to nurture those dreams? 
Is there something you once wanted to learn, play the flute, sing, tapdance, or juggle? Maybe discover the best answer to clean the oceans and restore the forests? How to finally, finally, feed every human being on this planet? How to become an animal or tree whisperer? How to learn new ways to show up for ourselves and each other? 
Our creativity, and sensibility today is the foundation for a better tomorrow. 
What would give you a sense of fulfillment, can it be done now?!  Alone, with family, with the kids, however, it feels best.
Every day offers a new blank canvas for our creativity. Yes, it might look really small at times, and appear even tiny, nevertheless, we can keep looking for it with childlike enthusiasm and that precious sense of wonder,  open to see new perspectives. 
As I said earlier: The little things in life can change life forever.
May you rediscover the innate freedom and power of shaping the course of evolution, as any individual, for the good of all, and rejoice in living a purposeful life.

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