
Claudia Wenning

Such cleansing I see this morning,
I take it all in with wonder.
Could the steady flow of water from above
have been cleansing me too?

A continuous flow of aqueous renewal…
 my cells seem to sing silently in cleanliness.
The blessings of a rainy night.
The very air I breath is of a misty quality.

I was sensing internal ebbs and tides,
while listening to the sound of raindrops,
steady, like a heartbeat…
just enough to quench the thirst of all beings.
The parched earth is starting to heal
those hardened cracks and crevices,
softening into fertile ground again
for new growth to take root.
I am waiting to see those new sprouts
form and unfold out there – and in here,
fertile ground is opening up
within my own being for new growth.

This is the time to consciously enter
another turn in the spiral of life,
to encourage new understanding to root,
to sprout and flourish.

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