
Claudia Wenning

The most powerful place – is within.

That is where it all starts, emotions, reactions, and how we express our energy to communicate with the world around us.

We can create a sanctuary within, it will change how we interact with the world around us.

And nature does model it so well for us, there is a sanctuary to be found in so many places, and there is sanctity to behold even more.

The sanctuary that we create for us, can offer a new vantage point to how we connect with how we perceive our reality.

There is much to be said for really considering this now.

In order to have healthy boundaries and make balanced choices, it serves us well to have a concept of sanctuary. A place, physical or virtual, that we can “go ” to for reflection, reassessment, and recalibration.

Reorganizing our connections and direction can occur there, and yes, even dusting off that moral compass, which might not even be very popular right now, but has intrinsic heartfelt value for us.

Values, are the treasure that no one can take away from us.

And what does your definition of a sanctuary feel like, or look like?

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