Your Winter Wellness – Naturally! Part 1 Winter is upon us, and wellness self-care is worth talking about this time of the year. I like to mention some options we have in the Natural Medicine approach to prepare ourselves for the months ahead. There is nothing more important than paying attention to the state of […]


Autumn’s leaves are tumbling, and our self-care could use a pick-me-up! Reminders…. Eat seasonal fruits and veggies every day “to keep the doctor away”. Hydrate, drink pure water and herbal teas. Take power naps – shorter days are often depleting. Get moving with daily walks. What self-care keeps you going?

Autumn Reflections

I love the potential that words offer us, how they give us association that can take us into reflection, the space where new insides are waiting to be discovered. Just by listening….. we make space to let go…… In the relationship between action and reflection, we can live a life of presentness that is peacefully […]

Disengage to re-engage

Do you want to understand more deeply your life in this time and place, and the environment you find yourself in? Then do this: Disengage consciously, totally, without reserve. Yes, disengage from all the thought patterns, beliefs, paradigms, the ones you can identify with and the ones you can not identify with – all of […]

Relaxing Guided Breathing Visualization

Settle in a quiet place, and allow your body to gently relax. Turn your attention to your breathing, take a deep breath, as deep as possible, and take your time with the exhale, exhale completely. Now, place one or both hands on the middle of your chest and let them rest there caringly, feel the […]


Lately I’ve heard in conversations the words dry, dry, so dry. And that’s certainly the case here in the summer months in Northern California, the landscape is dry​, dry​, so dry​, and that’s why we have to be careful with open flames and flammables in the outdoors.  However there’s another aspect​, w​e can perceive dryness​ also in our bodies. This […]

Rhus toxicodendron to the rescue

Before I came to the United States, born and raised in Germany, my body never had been in contact with either poison oak, poison ivy, or sumac. When I had my first encounter with poison oak in this country, my body and immune system did not know what to do with it at all!  The […]


It is a time of incredible opposites, and the emergence of the feminine is growing to counteract the dominance of the masculine aspects on the planet. If we want a happy and healthy life for ourselves and everyone in the realm, humans, fauna, and flora, we need to follow the call to embrace the feminine […]


Adopting the concept of self-care means also to step up our nutritional body care, for ourselves and those we care for. Keeping it simple. By the grace of nature, food in its natural form is less stress-inducing on the body than highly processed foods, as tempting as they might be. Processed foods are a challenge […]


Yes, I talk plenty about emotions…and there ​are ​so many ways to understanding emotions: ​If at times we might de​cide that we put too much ​emphasis on one ​particular emotion, then we can create an equation: if we can reduce this emotion to “enough, present, but not too much”, then we can ask which other […]