
Lately I’ve heard in conversations the words dry, dry, so dry. And that’s certainly the case here in the summer months in Northern California, the landscape is dry​, dry​, so dry​, and that’s why we have to be careful with open flames and flammables in the outdoors. 

However there’s another aspect​, w​e can perceive dryness​ also in our bodies. This is how the body is talking to us​, when we have the sense of experiencing dryness in the body​, it is the message of taking care of that​, and the same goes also when we’re holding too much liquid​, the body will tell us clearly what to do. So it’s always a matter of coming back to balance​, as so many natural healing approaches teach us. 

Isn’t that what I talk about so often​? It’s about balance​, it’s the awareness of the pendulum action, going towards ​too dry ​to coming back to ​center​, going towards too much moisture to coming back to center​.

​And that is an understanding, an equation, that can be applied to everything in our lives: to how we relate to the landscape around us, and also to how we relate to the landscape within us, with all its layers​, physiological​, emotional and mental. 

Where in your life do you recognize the ​”too much​”, where in your life do you recognize ​”too little​”?

​Is it time to take a moment to tune in​, if there is an​y of these to be recognized? 

Or are we too quick to counteract, rather than taking in the message of what is appropriate and needed​, for future reference?

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