How Can We Strengthen The Immune System
How can we strengthen our immune system? The approach ought to be multi-fold and individually tailored, considering nutrition, exposure, lifestyle, habits etc., and understood as an ongoing process. If we can determine which parts of the body are most affected, we can take care of them first, the overall goal will continue to be to […]
Bringing Healing Into The World
The healing of the world will take place through love and light, through all these beings that are carrying the light, covering this globe with a glittering web of light. A light in one’s smile, a light in one’s touch, a lightening of one’s understanding. We are light expressed in the material form, We are […]
The Power Of The Written Word
The power of the written word This morning I opened a book, just for an instant of time, while I turned the pages my eyes centered on one line voluntarily: ‘Love is motiveless tenderness of the heart.” (quote attributed to Swami Muktananda) By reading these words I was instantly lifted […]
The Lightness Of The Heart
Within the heart there is no overwhelm. Each heartbeat brings renewal. Each breath fuels body and soul. Lightness is the expression of spirit.
TRUST – that insights are patiently waiting for you to acknowledge them Trust – that they will nudge you gently like an afternoon breeze Trust – that they will guide you into experiences from a new vantage point
Are You A Dreamer Too?
Do you have daydreams? How vivid are they? Despite of what I may “think” or “believe” on a cloudy day, nobody has yet been able to take my freedom away to have daydreams, or my resolve to take action to make them become reality…. What are your questions at this time in your life? Whatever […]
Organic Remedies Update 2018
“Organic Remedies” Update at Quantum Level Health! New for 2018: Organic Essential Oil Roll-On Bottles: AND ORGANIC HERBAL REMEDIES handcrafted after traditional European recipes in small quantities: TOPICALS “Gently Healing Salve™”, “Herbal Healing Balm™”, “My Herbal Allies Ointment™” 33 different Medicinal Herbal Tinctures Unique Flower Essences, Herbal Oils The herbs are organically cultivated or wild […]
Energetic Impressions 12/31/2017
Impressions are coming forth about a forward movement with new directives and newly opening directions. And evolution could again be honored as the underlying quality of All There Is in the larger frame of perception. The opportunities for growth and peaceful understanding are still partly elusive, but exquisite. Yes, we have been experiencing an ongoing […]
A Celebration
The celebration of any birthday, anniversary and in memoriam can be your very own rebirth. In the moment of rebirthing your soul’s purpose you can rewrite your own story and shape the present through it as well as the future – just as all the ones we love so much, and who have gone before […]
Energetic Impressions 12/17/17
How do we widen our field of awareness, of perception? By asking questions, those we have not asked yet! How do we become clearer, more aware, empowered, understanding, compassionate? By asking questions, bravely entering new territory. This creates the new point of view, it will make all the difference. Changing perspective reveals new possibilities, allows […]