
Claudia Wenning


The symbolism of new beginnings
can open up a bounty of thought patterns.

We can free ourselves from old contracts,
also complete what has felt unfinished,
create new relations from the heart space,
honor ourselves as the unique expression of the divine.

We may encounter what we may call imperfections,
yet we may ask what these can show us.
We may experience physical limitations and unease,
yet we may ask what we are called to understand.

Through new beginnings we may be led to change believes,
to create increased well being for ourselves and others.
We can open ourselves up to receive the light that feeds us,
as it feeds all flora and therefore fauna and humankind.

It is the one energy that sustains live.
Call it photosynthesis, what kind of synthesis are we creating from here?

Breathing in the light, living in the light, being the expression of light,
appreciating the light in all its manifestations
this can support us to transform perceived restrictions,
mental, emotional, also political or other man made structures.

I like to embrace the symbolism of new beginnings
and reach out to all that care to consciously carry the light,
feel the light they are within and share the light themselves.

From the lightness of the heart, with love.


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