Rays Of The Morning Sun

RAYS OF THE MORNING SUN Sun rays coming through the window they seem to be dancing, even the walls seem to be softening, inviting who see these to let go of rigidity, inviting who see these to embrace flowing lucidity.
After The Rain

AFTER THE RAIN Such cleansing I see this morning, I take it all in with wonder. Could the steady flow of water from above have been cleansing me too? A continuous flow of aqueous renewal… my cells seem to sing silently in cleanliness. The blessings of a rainy night. The very air I breath is […]
Owls Hooting In The Night

OWLS HOOTING IN THE NIGHT Something woke me up really early in the morning, two owls are hooting across the valley, back and forth, and back and forth again. Tu-tuu-tu-tuu…I am entranced, magical it seems to me, being invited as a witness in the quiet of the night. I can feel the rhythm of this, the […]