About Claudia

Holistic Health Consultant, Natural Medicine PhD,
Traditional Naturopath, Functional Medicine Practitioner,
German-trained Naturopathic Practitioner for Psychotherapy
and Counselor

Since 1993, I assist my clients internationally to free themselves of physical and emotional pain, stress and overwhelm, from imbalance to vital balance.

I formulate naturopathic and functional medicine health protocols, and provide tools and self-help ways for implementation, including the “Energy Balancing” method I developed.  What is nowadays called “Somatic Experiencing” is also a key element of my approach.

I am truly passionate about supporting especially women to feel self-empowered, to manage their lives with confidence and ease, and live in great health, vital balance and with joy! As women we go through many life changes, these deserve to be honored to pass them with ease and grace.

I know how it feels to have had childhood trauma,  ancestral trauma, years of ongoing painful health issues, and a “need” for risky surgeries. I have lived through life-threatening circumstances, grief and loss, and found ways to move forward!

“Energy Balancing” is one of my central proprietary modality, since the optimal state of being for us is the state of “Vital Balance”. The  other central proprietary approach is “Quantum Level Therapy™”. The combination of both approaches has proven to be amazingly successful in all physical, mental and emotional aspects (see the testimonials).

As Natural Medicine Consultant, PhD, Traditional  Naturopath, ND, Psychotherapeutic Counselor HPP,   Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP, IFM, Functional Medicine Health Coach, CFMHC, Hypnotherapist and Meditation Mentor, I work with individuals and groups.

I am the founder and developer of QUANTUM LEVEL HEALTH™, and for many years now I create and facilitate events and Discover Shops™  in the US and Europe. “QUANTUM LEVEL TRANSFORMATION ®”  is my US trademark. ,

My Journey

Since 1979 I have dedicated myself to extensive daily meditation practices and daily consciousness-expanding processes.

This is the focal essence of my life:

And since 1988 I receive exclusive tutoring in Spirituality,  Traditional and Contemporary Mysticism. Some may call it a form of Shamanism, yet for me this is the realm of  Metaphysics and Mysticism, and how we merge that with our perception of reality. 

Spending almost 20 years with a self-realized mentor, up close, the multiple levels of somatic experiencing in this time have lastingly transformed my life!

All this is closely linked to what I perceive as the Quantum Level (therefore the name of my practice: QUANTUM LEVEL HEALTH). The teachings by G. Gurdjieff and C.G. Jung, and of the Zen and Tao Tradition, were of influence as well.

In essence, these are extensive spiritual practices and  energy field readings, with those many, intense, years of personal mentoring about the transformational perception-changing processes in these awareness enhancing teachings. Metaphysics are for me a daily application to live consciously.

The teachings are the central and pivotal part of my life’s story!

With deepest gratitude I acknowledge that I have received expansive, transformative experiences in the last 30+ years delivered through this knowledge.  I honor the states of consciousness realized, and the incredible insights gained.

I will honor them to the end of time, and I agreed very early on to use the utmost discretion in sharing. Even if I wanted to write a book about these experiences, I may  lack the words to describe them.

Let’s just say: I have seen all the veils drop away.

And at times, silence can be the language of revelation for the seeker.

However, I can say this: we are all coming from ONENESS, we are all kin.


I Share


My eyes opened, and I see the unfolding of life now with different perception. 

The knowledge continues to shape my life, my conscious awareness and understanding evolve and deepen, and I can say that much:

By changing your perception within your spectrum, you access other perspectives which enable you to go where you have not gone before.

I share this in sessions, and now assist others to dissolve their unease and dis-ease, to set themselves free.

 I call this energetic field the “Quantum Level”. It is the realm where transformation takes place, beyond the known, yet of the range of unlimited experiences. 

The journey is incredible, innately joyous, and it continues to unfold into infinity.

 I have gone there and you can too!

My Accreditations

I am a Traditional Naturopath with Doctorate, and hold a PhD in Natural Medicine,

I am also a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, CFMP, and 

German-trained Naturopathic Practitioner for Psychotherapy (HPP).

 IFM Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, CFMHC, 

and Certified Nutritional Consultant, CNC.

I am triple certified in Hypnotherapy, with emphasis on Conversational Hypnotherapy, and I have developed a distinct personal style in this modality.

Certified  in Rapid Transformational Therapy, RTT.

Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, FDN-P,

and I am certified as Western Herbalist.

Additionally, I am certified in:

Zone Technique and  Reflexology,

 Acupressure and Shiatsu, 

Clinical Iridology and French Auricolo Therapy,

 Massage Therapy, Phytotherapy and in several other talk therapy and cognitive behavior therapy approaches.

 I am a certified Qi Gong Healing and Usui Reiki practitioner.

I offer long distance treatments too.

I formulate and produce my herbal line “ORGANIC REMEDIES”, shipped in the continental US.

 I use relaxation and hypnotherapy techniques in my proprietary “ENERGY RESET™” sessions to access the “Supra-Conscious”.

I have created  “QUANTUM LEVEL THERAPY™”, a therapeutic brainwave therapy, and use Visualizations and Meditation in relaxed brain wave states, and Integrative Mental Health Consulting.

“ENERGY BALANCING” is at the center of everything I do.

I also have an MA Lit, in Literature/Linguistics, History and Social Sciences from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

I am a Certified Facilitator for Healthier Living Workshops, Stanford School of Medicine, Chronic Disease Self Management Program.

I am certified in the Trauma and Resilience-informed Therapy Approach.

 I have facilitated end-of-life journeys, guidance thereof and life cycle ceremonies.

I offer consultations in English and German, with basic communication skills in 3 other languages. 

PhD ACADEMIC TOPIC: “Nutritional Biochemistry and Research in Natural Medicine”.


 is the newest the modalities I have been certified in and I am integrating it seamlessly with outstanding results. It compliments my holistic approach well, it is safe, fast, and powerful, I use it in in-person appointments, online and remotely.

 As with all my modalities, I like to go beyond ordinary expectations so that we create extraordinary results.

Zone Technique is a newer holistic approach to healthcare. For anyone who may have lost hope in conventional treatments, Zone Technique, developed by Dr. Peter Goldman,  offers another effective and lasting solution.

Zone Technique is based on the concept that the human body can be divided into six different zones, each connected to specific systems and organs.
By identifying and correcting imbalances in these zones, we help your body heal holistically and naturally. 
It is “innate” for me to identify these zones, since I have always seen the body as this cooperative miracle of various zones and systems.
By bringing all of them into balance, we balance every cell in the entire body.

2023 I did an interview that tells more about my approach, and a bit of history.

You find it here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-claudia-wenning/